Everyone is welcome.

Line Cutter
Sale Spy

Literally. Everyone

Main Film

The Great

Winter Sale

The Brief

One of the largest retail chains in Pakistan Gul Ahmed wanted to take the winter shopping season in the country by storm and firmly establish itself as the go-to place to shop for everyone. However, due to a plethora of options (and subsequent sales offerings), it remained a challenge to capture the lion's share of the market.

The Thought

The sale season in Pakistan is pandemonium. People are at each other's throats to snatch their prized item as if it is nothing less than their deserved piece of flesh. Like carnivores. But that's what makes it equally incredible. All the different types of let's say characters..And so we decided to flip the sale season into migration season. And made Gul Ahmed the destination where all types of shoppers can congregate - where everyone is welcome to The Great Winter Sale.

The Outcome

The campaign not only ended up becoming the retail giant's most valuable campaign but also The Great Winter Sale become the pioneering expression for the brand's comms to follow (along the lines of The Great Summer Sale) and more. The use of 6 different influencers in a single campaign with layered personas resonated with the audience and subsequent digital content was tailored to mimic it i.e the social handles of every influencer were changed to their shopper persona.